Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Individual Annotated Bibliography (IAB) Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Individual (IAB) - Annotated Bibliography Example s a need for standards to govern ethics in business so that whenever we feel that an organization has done something wrong, we can have a valid rationale, as well as a systematic and widely understandable point of argument. Andrew Crane is a Professor of Business Ethics at the School of Business in Schulich. He joined the school in January of 2007. He has also been the Chair of Business Ethics of the International Center for Corporate Social Responsibility (ICSSR) in Nottingham Business School. Before that, he had been at Cardiff University; here, he had been involved in the setting up of BRASS. With all these credentials, this is a very credible author whose insight cannot be brushed aside for anything else. These authors discuss the main ethical theories and their potential and value for business ethics. In looking at ethical theories, they suggest two perspectives from which to look at it. These include ethical relativism and ethical absolutism. These authors argue that, for the purposes and reasons of practical decision making in business, the theories of ethical absolutism and ethical relativism do necessarily make for positions that are particularly useful. For them, pluralism is the answer to the problems related to business ethics. Pluralism, as they explain, occupies the middle ground between relativism and absolutism. According to the pluralism point of view that these authors vouch for, different moral backgrounds and convictions are acceptable, and at the same time, a consensus in rules and basic principles in certain contexts in social domains deserve to be reached. Further on, these authors provide a line of thought that states that in business there is just benefit and harm to define morality. They get this statement from Kaler (1999). According to it, wrong and right are mainly to do with providing benefits and aiming to avoid harm at all times. The authors also criticize the egoistic theory of ethics. They state that the theory can and may only

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